Preparation for Adulthood
- To provide students with the foundations for lifelong learning, access to employment opportunities and the ability to be successful members of the wider society.
- The PFA Curriculum uses the Skillsbuilder Programme and the Prince’s trust to create team workers, collaboration, and mutuality to develop effective participators and the empowerment of personal voice and choice to enable independent enquirers.
- Further to this, we aim to equip the children with the best tools possible by using the Jigsaw PSHE programme, which teaches our students emotional literacy, resilience, social and lifelong skills.
- To work alongside the family body, local business community and charities, identified by pupils, in creating a culture of School Family, where young people have a sense of appreciation for and the opportunity to experience creativity and achievement.
- For students and their families, with support and guidance from school, to feel confident in their abilities to identify appropriate post 16 pathways. Pathways that lead to destinations that meet individual aspirations and intentions.
- Effective teaching via clear, structured, personalised lessons that provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve.
- Teaching will be supported by a learning environment that is able to reflect real life working environments with role-playing scenarios whereby students get to experience a range of employment-related positions. The provision of tasks that stimulate experiences they may encounter in life beyond school.
- Students will interact with employers and post-16 providers through a careers club session which runs each half-term. This will allow students to engage with local employers and educational providers and understand the different pathways available to them.
- Tasks such as financial planning, completing official forms (reading for information), meal planning and talking to unfamiliar adults. These experiences will be revisited throughout the curriculum to help build pupil resilience in situations that maybe emotionally challenging and aid the development of consistent application of skills acquired by following an experience-rich curriculum.
- Impact will be measurable via continuous self-evaluation via staff, pupil, and parent feedback. As well as through the Skills Builder Benchmark tools and the NCFE qualification pathway for RSHE.
- The development of a working group that will help to identify the wider life and employment skills required and then support the school and its pupils in accessing opportunities to build and develop these skills and participate in new experiences.
- The use of more focussed self-evaluation tools such as Compass+ before, after and at the midpoint of the first year. This is to allow for a cycle of assess, plan, do, review, and adjust per term, each time allowing for students to celebrate their success and staff to accurately assess and monitor progress.
- Ensuring that the main strands of the PFA curriculum can be linked towards the achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks. Alongside the concrete and measurable effect of outstanding teaching and learning on a student's wider attainment – enterprise and finance impact on Maths results, the development of CVs, letters, and emails of application to Functional Skills English results.
- Students will leave ACE Tiverton with a mastery of work-related and life skills, a sense of independence and a thirst for further knowledge.