Art Subject Statement
Art Subject Statement |
Why do we study this subject at ACE Tiverton? |
Studying Art at ACE Tiverton introduces the world of art to our students. Not only does it build confidence and a sense of individual identity, Art can also help to develop a student’s critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us.
What qualifications can I achieve in this subject? |
Bronze and Silver Arts Award Unit Awards
What skills will I learn and practice in this subject? |
Students can develop a wide range of skills from Art. The subject can help gain transferable skills of patience and perseverance and problem solving.
What jobs and post 16 education opportunities can I go on to do with this subject? |
There are many post-16 opportunities students can do with this subject. For example, BTEC, A-Levels and Apprenticeships There are also a wide range to arts related career options ranging from Photography, Fashion Design and Architecture.
What else should I know about this subject? |
Skills developed through participation in the arts are increasingly important in the workplace and therefore, key to a successful career. Now more than ever the world needs people who ‘think outside of the box’. In the is subject students are always encouraged to do so.
Do I need any specific resources or kit for this subject? |
Just you and enthusiasm!